(Approved by the Management Council of the University of Minho on 26 July 2013)
Table (extract)
VAT is added to the amounts indicated, at its current rate, except for the values referring to the certification and the copies.
Contact: sec@adb.uminho.pt
Information search Information search costs are due whenever there is a lack of data concerning the identification and / or location of the document, either for information purposes or for reproduction, or for confirmation or information about its contents.
Search Up to 30 min For every hour or fraction of extra hour
Information Cost of reproduction of the document with the information to be sent. |
6 € 25 ¤
Document reproduction (more details below)
Paper (black and white) Paper (A4) 1¤ Paper (A3) 2¤
Digital Images partial (part of an installation unit or composite document) 1¤ integral (the entire installation unit or composite document) 0,5¤ Matrix images partial 6¤ integral 3¤
Media: USB device, eg. "pen drive" 10¤
Rate applicable to reproduction of difficult-to-handle documents Single doc. 2¤ Large format documents, processes, scrolls ... (each document) 5¤
Certification(VAT exempt) Certification of reproductions and transcriptions (in addition the cost of reproduction) Narrative certifications (only civil registry, parish and registry from book (e.g. passports registry) |
15¤ 22¤ |
Transcription Documents earler than 1900, by 100 caracters transcribed Documents after 1900, by 100 caracters transcribed | 3¤ 1,5¤ |
Consulting and technical support Senior staff, per hour Technical assistant, per hour | 40 ¤ 30 ¤ |